


For the past five years, the Hope Bus, better known as the Black
Bus, has ventured downtown to Johnson City to minister to those on the streets. Every Sunday morning, the bus heads down with food and clothing, tents, sleeping bags, personal hygiene items, hats, gloves, and much more for a time of worship, prayer, and ministering The Word of God. Our goal is to minister, not only to one’s physical needs, but more importantly, their spiritual needs; the need for salvation, deliverance, and healing. We park downtown, leaving the bus running to keep it warm and invite all to come aboard. We have men and women stationed on the bus waiting to provide them with the assistance they may need as the Word is ministered while also taking time to pray and intercede for them.

If you would like to be a part of the Bus Ministry, we meet every
Sunday morning from November until April. We begin around 8:30 am and usually wrap up around 12:00. During the winter months, you will find us on the streets of downtown J.C. Your support and help are needed, and crucial for this ministry to be effective, but most of all, we covet your prayers. Please contact Tom Campbell @ 423-741-9844.

Evangelism Training Seminars

We host weekend seminars, teaching the fundamentals of how to
share the Gospel. After our teaching sessions, we take our team out
on the streets for real-life, cold turkey Evangelism.

Feast Banquets

We host Banquets, which include; teaching on the Feast Days, food (a full catered meal or light refreshments), live music, and banner dances choreographed to sync up with the theme of the Banquet.



We support several Ministries in Israel
1. Aliyah Return Center (https://aliyahreturncenter.com/en)
2. Rabbi Kokeb Gedamu HIIM (https://hoisrael.org)
3. Facing Each Other (https://www.facingeachother.com/)


We Have a Day School which helps Orphans and a Congregation
1. Vineyard International Academy

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