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Written Teaching

Beware the Snare of Valentine’s Day

Beware the Snare of Valentine’s Day by Christine Egbert In Deuteronomy 12:30, the LORD (Yahweh) warned his people not to be snared into worshiping Him the way pagan nations worship their gods. In spite of

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Written Teaching

Your Kingdom Come

Your Kingdom Come by Christine Egbert The good news—the complete gospel of the kingdom—is far greater than what the Messiah accomplished at His first coming, which was the forgiveness of sin and the promise of

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Written Teaching

Reformation to Restoration

Reformation to Restoration by Christine Egbert The next time someone insinuates that your Sabbath-observing, Feast-of-Yahweh-keeping walk of faith is out of step with mainstream Christianity—and therefore heretical—remind them of the Protestant Reformation. How It Began

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Written Teaching

A Rose by Any Other Name

A Rose by Any Other Name… by Christine Egbert Jesus (Yeshua) is often referred to as the “Rose of Sharon”, which is why I’ve titled this article, “A Rose by Any Other Name”, for as

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Written Teaching

Chanukah: The Feast of Dedication

Chanukah: The Feast of Dedication by: Christine Egbert Some claim that Chanukah (also spelled in English as Hanukkah with several other variations) isn’t in the Bible but it is. It’s found in the New Testament,

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Written Teaching

Yahweh’s Feast Days: Shadows of the Messiah

Yahweh’s Feast Days: Shadows of the Messiah by: Christine Egbert Replacement theology claims that the Christian church has replaced Israel, that Jews are no longer God’s chosen people, and that God has no future plans

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Written Teaching

Satan’s Greatest Lie to the Church

Satan’s Greatest Lie to the Church by Christine Egbert During the first century (and still today), Satan’s greatest lie to Israel’s Jewish “leadership” was and is that Jesus (Yeshua) is not their promised Messiah. As

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Written Teaching

God’s Love Language

God’s Love Language by Christine Egbert Gary Chapman, an acclaimed Christian marriage counselor and writer, published a #1 New York Times bestseller titled, The 5 Love Languages back in 1992. His premise was that people

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Written Teaching

Walking in God’s Ways

Walking in God’s Ways by Christine Egbert Here’s the opening stanza from Days of Elijah: These are the days of Elijah, Declaring the word of the Lord, And these are the days of Your servant

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Written Teaching

The Romans Road Not Taken

The Romans Road Not Taken by Christine Egbert The last stanza of Robert Frost’s famous poem, The Road Less Traveled reads: “Two roads diverged in a wood and I took the one less traveled by

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Written Teaching

Understanding Colossians

Understanding Colossians by Christine Egbert Many have been conditioned to assume that in Colossians 2:13-14, when Paul wrote, “And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He made alive together

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Written Teaching

Understanding the Book of Hebrews

Understanding The Book of Hebrews by Christine Egbert Galatians and Hebrews, by far, contain the most-often cited verses to prove the contention that the Torah is no longer in effect. According to the argument, the

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Written Teaching

Denmark’s Righteous Gentiles

Denmark’s Righteous Gentiles by Christine Egbert In its final and most virulent strain, Anti-Semitism is once again pandemic. It’s on the rise in Europe, in Asia, and in the United States. Most shockingly, it is

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Written Teaching

Are You Abraham’s Seed?

Are You Abraham’s Seed? by Christine Egbert Galatians 3:29 declares, “If you are in Christ (the Messiah), then you are a seed of Abraham, even heirs according to promise.” What was God’s promise to Abraham’s

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Written Teaching

Did Jesus (Yeshua) Start A New Religion?

Did Jesus (Yeshua) Start A New Religion? by Christine Egbert Translation errors create big problems, even seemingly inconsequential mistakes like rendering a phrase written in the “future-perfect” tense as if it had been penned in

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Written Teaching

Cafeteria Christianity

Cafeteria Christianity by Christine Egbert Biblical illiteracy is at an all-time high. Too many of today’s Christians have replaced a comprehensive—Genesis to Revelation—in-depth study of the Scriptures with a page-a-day reading of the New Testament.

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Written Teaching

Curse of the Law: Understanding Galatians

Curse of the Law: Understanding Galatians by Christine Egbert Christians quote Galatians out of context more than any other book of the Bible. Why? Because as Peter wrote, Paul’s writing is sometimes hard to understand,

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Written Teaching

Our Fathers Have Inherited Lies

Our Fathers Have Inherited Lies Jeremiah 16:19 by Christine Egbert Speaking to the scattered tribes of Israel, regarding that future time when the LORD (Yahweh) would regather Israel, Jeremiah prophesied that one day Gentiles would

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Written Teaching


Syncretism: Why Christians Should Not Celebrate Christmas & Easter by Christine Egbert Syncretism is the combination of differing beliefs (especially religious beliefs) in which customs merge. Or as states it: It’s “the attempted reconciliation

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Written Teaching

What Scripture Says About Torah

What Scripture Says About Torah by Christine Egbert The Hebrew word “תּוֹרָה” (Strong’s H8451) is translated into English as Torah. Torah can refer to the first five books of Scripture (Genesis through Deuteronomy) but Torah

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Written Teaching

Women in Scripture

Women in Scripture by Christine Egbert Many of us who have returned to the old paths of the Christian faith, via restoration of the original Hebraic definition of faith, came out from denominations that taught

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Written Teaching

A Prophecy Fulfilled

A Prophecy Fulfilled by Christine Egbert Four years ago, I was blessed to meet the husband-and-wife founders of Firekeepers International, Chief Joseph RiverWind—a descendant of the Arawak Taino Tribe—and his beautiful and brilliant wife, Dr.

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Written Teaching

What Is Scriptural Faith?

What Is Scriptural Faith? by Christine Egbert Due to the influence of a Greek (Constantinian) mindset (instead of a biblical Hebrew mindset), many Christians see faith as a mental construct, something they merely believe. When

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Written Teaching

Beware of Translator Bias!

Beware of Translator Bias! by Christine Egbert Bias means to skew or slant. It is my contention that over the centuries, in order to promote their own denominational doctrines, many Bible translators have chosen less

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Written Teaching


Thanksgiving! by Christine Egbert Anyone who has been in Hebrew Roots for a while is likely to have run across those who claim that, like Christmas and Easter, Thanksgiving is also pagan. I hope to

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Written Teaching

Greek Versus Hebrew Mindset

Greek Versus Hebrew Mindset: Worship, Spirituality, Salvation, and Prayer by Christine Egbert I recently read an excellent book by Brad Scott titled Let This Mind Be In You. In it, Scott contrasts the never-changing Scriptural

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Written Teaching

Who Gets Left Behind?

Who Gets Left Behind? Exposing the Pre-Tribulation Rapture by Christine Egbert The scripture most often cited by pre-tribulation rapture theorists as proof that the church will be snatched away to Heaven before the tribulation is

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Written Teaching

The Church in the Wilderness

The Church in the Wilderness by Christine Egbert When I first came to the Lord back in 1987, I started reading the Bible. In the New Testament, I learned that Jesus—the One I now call

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Written Teaching

Debunking the Lunar Sabbath

Debunking the Lunar Sabbath by Christine Egbert Lunar Sabbatarians teach that each New Moon resets the weekly seventh-day Sabbath, which the LORD (Yahweh) established on the 7th Day of Creation. According to their hypothesis, when

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Written Teaching

All Truth is God’s Truth

All Truth Is God’s Truth by Christine Egbert Scripture informs us that we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. Well, this is my overcoming testimony. My late husband,

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Written Teaching

Sinning Through Misuse of God’s Word

Sinning Through Misuse of God’s Word by Christine Egbert In Matthew 12:36-37 Jesus (Yeshua) said that on Judgement Day, we will all have to give an account of the words we’ve spoken. By those words,

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Written Teaching

The Quartodeciman Controversy

The Quartodeciman Controversy Rome Outlaws Passover by Christine Egbert In the footsteps of Paul Harvey–that folksy news commentator, whose radio segments delved into little-known facts about well-known events–this article will recount the history of what

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Written Teaching

The Deity Of Jesus (Yeshua)

The Deity Of Jesus (Yeshua): Son of God/Son of Man by Christine Egbert Proverbs 18:13 declares that “If one rejects a matter before he hears it, it is folly and shame to him.” In this

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Written Teaching

Whose Mark Will You Take?

Whose Mark Will You Take? by Christine Egbert 2 Thessalonians 2:8 is about the Antichrist, who Scripture calls the Lawless one. In verse 9, we learn that Satan himself will empower the anti-Messiah, enabling him

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Written Teaching

Preach the Word

Preach The Word by Christine Egbert Scripture declares that prophets “spoke from God as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.” Prophecy is a message inspired by God. With that in mind, I have written

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Written Teaching

John 8:6 In Light of Jeremiah

John 8:6 In Light of Jeremiah by Christine Egbert Proverbs 25:2 says, “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter and the glory of kings to search it out.” (TLV) The longer I

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Written Teaching

Divorce Versus Putting Away

Divorce Versus Putting Away by Christine Egbert For some strange reason, many English translations of Matthew 5:32 say: “Whoever puts away his wife, apart from a matter of fornication, causes her to commit adultery. And

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Written Teaching

Rebuttal of Church Father Origen of Alexandria

Rebuttal of Church Father Origen of Alexandria by Christine Egbert Origen of Alexandria (185-254 C.E.), also known as Origen Adamantius, has been called the greatest genius the early church ever produced. Joseph Ratzinger, known best

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Written Teaching

Torah: Blueprint For Creation

Torah: Blueprint For Creation by Christine Egbert For two decades, after becoming a believer, I studied the Bible the only way I knew how. I took it at face value. And there is certainly nothing

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Written Teaching

God Is With You

God Is With You (Zechariah 8:23) by Christine Egbert I used to think that anti-Semitism started with the ravings of Adolf Hitler. Then, just over a decade ago, I learned that this malevolent hatred of

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Written Teaching

Circumcision of the Heart

Circumcision of the Heart by Christine Egbert I’ve written many articles about anti-Semitism begetting Replacement Theology. In this article, I’ll focus on a more subtle form of anti-Semitism. This form doesn’t lead to Replacement Theology.

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Written Teaching

Who is The Bride?

Who is The Bride? by Christine Egbert At the suggestion of my pastor, Matthew Miller, I recently listened to a most intriguing audio teaching titled “The Bride, The Concubine, and The Harlot” by Barry Phillips.

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Written Teaching

Praying God’s Word Over Yourself

Praying God’s Word Over Yourself by Christine Egbert This past Sabbath Pastor Matthew taught about the importance of our words. Our words are powerful. They can bring life or bring death, both to others as

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Written Teaching

When LAWLESSNESS Increases!

When LAWLESSNESS Increases! by Christine Egbert In December of 1776, Thomas Paine wrote the famous line, “These are the times that try men’s souls.” Paine went on to write (I’ll paraphrase) that the summer soldier

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Written Teaching

Polycarp, A Church Father Who Taught TRUTH

Polycarp, A Church Father Who Taught TRUTH by Christine Egbert In the past, I’ve written articles comparing Scripture’s TRUTH to unscriptural declarations made by many Church Fathers. Today, I will tell you about a Church

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Written Teaching

Paul’s FALSE Accusers

Paul’s FALSE Accusers by Christine Egbert When quoting any one of the thousands of verses in the Bible that extol Torah, there are some who will counter with one of the twenty or so passages

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Written Teaching

A Prophet Like Moses

A Prophet Like Moses by Christine Egbert In Hebrews 10:7 Jesus (Yeshua) quoted one of the Psalms, “Then I said, ‘Behold, I come to do Your will, O God. In the scroll of the book

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