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Torah: Blueprint For Creation

by Christine Egbert

For two decades, after becoming a believer, I studied the Bible the only way I knew how. I took it at face value. And there is certainly nothing wrong with that. In fact, it’s where all students of Scripture should begin, with the plain meaning of the text, in what Jewish Torah scholars call the peshat level.

But God’s word is far too complex to stop there. Sir Isaac Newton, one of the world’s most brilliant scientists, who not only discovered gravity but figured out the mechanics of the solar system, was a student of Scripture. He spent decades searching the Scriptures for hidden codes.

In the book Cosmic Codes, Hidden Messages from the Edge of Eternity, Dr. Chuck Missler shows how the Bible’s 66 books, hand-written by 40 authors over 2,000 years (before computers), form an “integrated message system” demonstrating “skillful and comprehensive design.” In his 500 page tome, Missler breaks “evidence of design” into “micro and macro codes.” I like to think of these as the fingerprints of the LORD (Yahweh).

For centuries, Jewish Rabbis have taught that, when He comes, the Messiah will interpret not only the Scripture, but every word and letter, down to the very spaces between the letters. Does that ring a bell? It should! Remember Matthew 5:18?

Jesus (Yeshua) said heaven and earth would not pass away until every jot and tittle of the law (Torah) has been fulfilled. Well, for a jot and tittle to be fulfilled, that jot and tittle must have meaning.
Hebrew Biblical scholarship operates on four levels.
Peshat – direct simple meaning.
Remez – allegorical, symbolic.
Derash – comparative, midrashic meaning through comparative occurrences.
Sod – mystical meaning, given through revelation.

The mnemonic to remember the levels is PaRDeS. (Garden, in Hebrew)

Down through the centuries, Rabbis have taught that the first five books of Scripture (Torah) constitute the blueprint of creation. All creation. In modern parlance one might say, the LORD (Yahweh), the Eternal Program Writer, used Jesus (Yeshua) —His Word—to write (in Hebrew) the DNA code for everything.

Hebrews 11:3 – By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were made not of things which are visible.

The Hebrew Language

The sages also taught that man’s ability to communicate through language constitutes an integral aspect of his having been created in God’s image. Now, I’m not saying animals can’t communicate. They can. But they don’t communicate through speech, and certainly not through the written word. Go ahead, try to think, even one thought. You can’t, not without using words. Hebrew, the Language God spoke with Adam, was the only language spoken until the LORD (Yahweh) confounded communication at the tower of Babel.

Chuck Missler, in his book Cosmic Codes, Hidden Messages from the Edge of Eternity, points out: “It is strange to notice that all languages seem to flow toward Jerusalem. Languages of the nations west of Jerusalem—English, French, German, Italian, etc.—read from left to right. Languages of the nations east of Jerusalem—Hebrew, Aramaic, Sanskrit, Chinese, etc.—read from right to left.”

Original Hebrew, used before the Babylonian captivity, conveyed not only a sound called phonemes and numerical value, but each letter was also a pictograph. Each letter held meaning. Each letter told a story. For example, the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet is the alef (א‬), represented by the head of a bull. Its pictograph meaning is strength, leader. The second is beit (ב). It looks like a tent, and it means a house, household, or a family. The Hebrew word for father is spelled alef, beit (אב). So who is the father? The strong leader of the house. See how it all fits?

Putting Words Together

Have you ever wondered why the Scriptures so often refer to Messiah as a stone? He’s the stone the builders rejected. He’s the rock that Moses struck in the desert that brought forth water. He’s the rock upon which the church (kehilla) is built. Allusions to God as a stone or rock fill the Scriptures. Well, the next time you read one of these metaphors, think about this: In Hebrew, “av” (father) is spelled with an aleph (א) and a beit (ב); “ben” the word for son, is spelled with the Hebrew letters beit (ב) and nun (נ). And the Hebrew word for stone is spelled by compressing the Hebrew words for father and son together, the aleph and the beit (father) with the beit and nun (son). When they become one (echad), when they share the letter beit (household, family), it spells the Hebrew word for stone: aleph (א), beit (ב), nun (נ). Now, I ask you, in what other language is there such a relationship between letters and the words they form?

Consider Zephaniah 3:9 – For then will I return to the people a pure language that they may all call upon the name of the LORD (Yahweh), to serve Him with one consent.

Hebrew, a language considered dead for nearly two thousand years, is spoken today by over five million people in Israel alone. Among Hebrew Roots Christians, studying the Hebrew language is considered foundational. But have you ever considered the architectural similarities between this God-created language and music?

A musical scale consists of 7 notes: C,D,E,F,G,A,B. Then, at what would be 8th in the series, you arrive, once again, at C, only this time at an octave (which means 8) higher. And what does the number 8 signify in Hebrew? You guessed it! New beginnings!

Musical chords consist of 3 notes. In Hebrew, verbs and “roots of words” are formed with 3 letters. Coincidence? I think not.


Cymatics studies the connection between sound, vibrations, and physical reality. In 1787, the musician and physicist Ernst Chladni drew a violin bow perpendicularly across the edge of flat plates covered in sand, producing geometric patterns known today as Chladni figures. And in 1967, when a Swiss researcher named Hans Jenny, in an experiment using a tonoscope and sand, spoke Hebrew, the sand formed the corresponding vowels. Modern languages, however, failed to produce similar results.

Names in Scripture

What’s in a name? In Hebrew thought, a name is destiny. But don’t bother using a conventional lexicon. To learn the meaning, one must study the original roots. But even then, as Missler points out in his aforementioned tome, there are variant meanings. Take for instance the name Methuselah. It’s formed from two root words, “muth” and “shalach.” Muth means death and shalach means to bring or to send. Now, to further prove the design God encoded into the Scriptures, I will use the meaning of the names listed in Genesis, from Adam to Noah, to tell God’s plan of salvation.

Adam – Man
Seth – Appointed
Enosh – Mortal
Kenan – Sorrow
Mahalalel – the blessed God
Jared – shall come down
Enoch – teaching
Methuselah – his death shall bring
Lamech – the despairing
Noah – rest.

Decoded it would read: Man (is) appointed mortal sorrow, (but) the Blessed God shall come down teaching (that) His death shall bring the despairing rest.

Want further proof of design encoded in Scripture? You can find it in the first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures: Genesis (B’reisheet), Exodus (Shemot), Leviticus (Vayikra), Numbers (Bamidbar), Deuteronomy (Devarim): Start with the very first occurrence found in Genesis of the letter tav (ת‬), which in paleo-pictograph Hebrew looks like a cross and means a sign, signal, or monument. Then count every 49th letter. It will spell T-O-R-A-H—tav (ת‬), vav (ו), resh (ר), and heh (ה)—going from left to right. This pattern repeats in Exodus. It is omitted in Leviticus, but starts up again at every 49th letter in Numbers and Deuteronomy. In Numbers and Deuteronomy, however, TORAH is spelled from right to left!

So what happens in Leviticus? To answer, I will quote Chuck Missler again: “When we return to examine the Book of Leviticus, we discover the square root of 49, which is 7, yields a provocative result. After the first yod (י‬), after an interval of 7, taking the next letter yields yod (י), heh (ה), vav (ו), heh (ה), the Tetragrammaton, the ineffable name of God, YHWH (Yahweh).”

This is a repeating pattern throughout the book of Leviticus. The interval of 7s (the number of perfection) spells out the Tetragrammaton. Missler gets it. He wrote, “It appears that the Torah always points to the Ineffable Name of God.”

More Fingerprints

Did you know that the Hebrew word for year is shane – shin (ש), nun (נ), chet (ח)? Its gematrial value is 355, the exact number of days that make up the Hebrew lunar year. Did you know that the Hebrew word for pregnancy is haryon – heh (ה), resh (ר), yod (י), vav (ו), nun (נ)? Its gematrical value is 271, the number of days in a normal pregnancy. Then consider this: ozen, the Hebrew word for ear, which science discovered in the late 19th century controls balance, is derived from the root word for—you guessed it—balance.

Torah Codes

There are hundreds of equidistant letter sequences, called Torah Codes, found throughout the Hebrew Scriptures. Dr. Chuck Missler includes some of those amazing equidistant codes in his aforementioned book. One of them was discovered in 1982, when Dr. Eli Rips of the Institute of Mathematics at Hebrew University, Dr. Moshe Katz of the Haifa Technion, and Dr. Witzum used computers to continue a search that was first begun during World War II, by Rabbi Weissmandl, who was searching for occurrences of the Hebrew word for Israel – yod (י), shin (ש), resh (ר), aleph (א), lamed (ל‬) – anywhere in the first 10,000 letters of Genesis.

They searched at equal distances from less than 100 to more than 100. What they discovered was that the word “Israel” occurred twice, once at the interval of 7, the other at an interval of 50 (Jubilee). Finding “Israel” at these two particular intervals, 7 & 50, is amazing, for the probability of it occurring even once was 1 in 1,200, twice raised that to 1 in 400,000. But wait! There’s more! Both of these 2 instances clustered between Genesis 1:31 and Genesis 2:3, the very section of the Bible that contains words that are recited every Friday night during Kiddush, words that have been spoken by observant Jews for more than 2,000 years, words given to Israel to sanctify the Sabbath, which God said was to be a sign between Him and Israel forever.

These incredible signs are embedded all throughout the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament as God’s watermark. They are the LORD’s (Yahweh’s) fingerprints. They are never, however, to be used to misconstrue or go against the plain, peshat, meaning of any text.

So the next time you find yourself skipping over passages in the Old Testament that seem monotonous or unimportant (like all those long lists of begats) admit the truth. It’s too deep for our limited understanding. But don’t give up! Keep digging for gold. I know I will. It’s there. And I will keep studying Hebrew. After all, Zephaniah prophesied that soon God will return to His people a pure language so that all may call upon His name: Yahweh!

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